Terms of Service

The purpose of the present Terms and Conditions (hereafter ‘Terms’) is to define the terms and conditions under which you can use our products and services.

QWANT’s main activity is to provide a free-to-use, dynamic, updated search engine accessible through its websites https://www.qwant.com, https://www.qwantjunior.com and to some accessory sub-domains such as https://about.qwant.com, or through its mobile application (hereafter ‘Services’).

You recognize that you have the necessary competence and means to access these Services and to use them. The use of our Services imply your approval of the present terms. We reserve the right to modify the terms at any time so they can fit the evolutions of the services of QWANT and/or their operation. You will be informed, by email and/or by any other appropriate means on the affected Services, of all substantial changes to the Terms, prior to their entry into force.

Note: the present document is a good faith translation of the official and enforceable terms which are written in French. The French version will prevail in case the two versions differ.

Accessibility of Services

You are informed that the Services are operational 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, and you recognize that this accessibility may however be interrupted in case of force majeure or technical difficulties. We shall not be held responsible for network or servers dysfunctions of any other event that is out of our control, which would impede or degrade access to our Services. We reserve the right to interrupt, suspend momentarily or modify without prior notice access to all or parts of the Services, in order to maintain or control them, or to do tests. Such interruption, suspension or modification can not be entitled to obligations or compensations. We will do our best to inform you beforehand. You agree not to use the Services in an inappropriate way (for instance, by unlawfully accessing the Services, servers, computers or databases attached to the Services, by launching saturating attacks or by planting malicious or harmful material…), under penalty of prosecution. We reserve the right to deny access to the Services to any user who does not respect the present Terms.

Software and APIs

Some of our Services may require the use of downloadable software (such as our mobile app or various browser extensions). QWANT grants you, for free, a personal, non-transferable, non-exclusive worldwide license, to use the software delivered as part of our Services. This license is exclusively meant to use and benefit from our Services in accordance with the present Terms, excluding any right to copy, modify, distribute, sell, rent all or part of the software. It is the same with decompilation or source code extraction rights, except in cases where decompilation is authorized by law and within the boundaries of such law.

Unless explicitly agreed otherwise, no licence to use the QWANT Application Programming Interfaces (API) is granted to the User for any use other than within the framework of the Services published by QWANT. Consequently, no collection and no reproduction of search results is authorised other than the exceptions provided for and strictly limited by law.

Information made available through the services

nformation provided on the Services have only informational purpose. We make our best efforts to ensure that the real-time updated information displayed on our services be as accurate as possible. However we can not guarantee that the results and the gathered information are free of any mistake or any defect, nor can we guarantee the completeness, up-to-dateness, precision, exhaustiveness, or absence of modification by a third party.

Therefore, we decline all responsibility, of any nature:

  • in case of inaccuracy, lack of update, error or omissions in information available through the Services;
  • for the absence of availability of information;
  • for any damage, direct and/or indirect, whichever are the causes, origins, nature or consequences, induced by the access by anyone to the Services of by the impossibility to access them;
  • for the use of the Services and/or for the credit granted to any information obtained directly or indirectly from the Services;
  • for decisions based on information obtained through the Services, and for the use that may be done by third parties;
  • in case of inadequacies between the provided information, the offered Services, and your needs

Non commercial links

We offer hypertext links to other websites or other sources of information published or managed by third parties, in order to improve the relevance of your browsing. Given that we can not exert control over external sources contents, you agree that we do not bear any responsibility relative to the provision of these resources, to their content, to possible collections and transmissions of personal data, cookies planting or any other similar processes done by those sites.

Ad links

Advertising links can be offered in some of the Services offered by QWANT.

These links, marked with the “Ad” label, are messages of advertising nature that come from advertisers and are displayed for a fee. Clicking those links only lead to the target websites. We decline any responsibility regarding obligations relative to the contractual relationships that may arise from them. Every advertiser has the duty to respect regulatory and legal obligations that apply to it.

Pluridisciplinary activities

QWANT also offers specialized distinct services, such as a search engine for children and educators available at https://www.qwantjunior.com.

You agree that terms specific to each service may appear in special conditions for the respective services.

Partnerships directly linked to affected Services

We inform you that partnerships directly linked to one or several of QWANT’s services are in force. Where they may influence the ranking or search engine optimization of content, goods or services offered or posted online, the user will be informed on the page concerned. The ranking, referencing and dereferencing procedures for Qwant services are set out in a specific section.

To enrich the results, Qwant may use content from partners to whom we send information about your query in order to obtain results and/or advertisements from them corresponding to the keywords you are looking for. To respect your privacy, we apply in these cases the strict methods of pseudonymisation and data limitation described in our Privacy Policy.

Intellectual property

All rights reserved, QWANT® is a trademark registered by the QWANT company. Any total or partial reproduction of this trademark and its logo, for any reason, including commercial purposes, without prior and written approval by QWANT, is forbidden under penalty of prosecution.

The Services as well as the elements that compose them or that are accessible from these Services (other than your content, images, pictures, texts accessible via hyperlinks, content of other users), such as texts, images, software, databases, tabs, features, are an exclusive property of QWANT and are protected by intellectual property rights.

The various texts, images, photographs, visual interfaces, graphics, trademarks, logos, sounds, music previews, illustrations and videos, accessible through the Services via hyperlinks, can be objects of specific intellectual property. We shall not be held responsible of any attack, damage, loss, harm, counterfeiting and unfair competition action based on the use of our Services, nor of any illicit use of our Services, fraudulent use or attempts to bypass technical protection measures.

Reporting content

QWANT is a mere technical intermediary that allows you to access content available on the Internet. When requesting that a content be delisted on QWANT, if you obtain a positive answer from our side, we remind you that this content can still be available and accessible via other search engines or by typing the webpage URL in the address bar of your web browser. It is your responsibility to contact the publisher and/or hosting provider of said webpages in order to ask for a definitive withdrawal of the content. .

In the event that you notice content that may relate to apologies for crimes against humanity, provocation to or apologies for acts of terrorism, incitement to racial hatred, towards people on the basis of their sex, their sexual orientation or identity or handicap, child pornography, incitement to violence, attacks on human dignity, when browsing the Services, you have the option to let us know by contacting us at the address legal@qwant.net (also available at our FAQ).

n any other situation, please send is a registered letter to the following address: QWANT – Service juridique – 42 Avenue de la Porte de Clichy 75017 PARIS, France.

Data protection

QWANT’s policy regarding the privacy of its users meets a very high level of requirements. QWANT collects only the strict minimum of information necessary for its services and applies methods of pseudonymisation of data to protect the confidentiality of your personal data.

All of the processing that we have to carry out and the methods that we apply to protect your privacy are detailed in our Privacy Policy, which states in particular:

  • the reasons why we collect some of your personal data and how we use it;
  • the security measures we use to protect the confidentiality of your personal data, particularly in the event of transfer to a partner;
  • how long we keep your data;
  • the rights you have over the personal data you provide to us and the processing of that data.

For any delisting request, please refer to the help page “How to exercise my right to be forgotten?“.

Cookies and other tracking devices

Please find our cookie policy on the dedicated page.

We do not use any advertising trackers (pixels, fingerprinting) when you browse the Services.

Applicable law

The Services and their TOS are subject to French law, wherever they may be used. In the event of that amicable solutions fail or are not sought, any dispute arising from these provisions may be brought before the competent courts.